Sunday, December 16, 2012

Gaga Rainbow Sherbet

As a child, I never was all that crazy for ice cream. I mean, sure I loved getting it at ice cream stands during the summer, and I enjoyed the over the top flavors of Ben and Jerry's (what kid didn't?!), but it never held a special place in my heart. Sherbet,  however, did. My cousins and I shared some nearly every weekend, usually watching some of those (now) nostalgic TV shows of the 1990's, like Flipper.

So, yes, sherbet is definitely a fond memory of mine. But the problem is just that, it's mostly just a memory now. I may not have minded the flavors of sherbet when I was a kid, but now I tend to prefer high quality foods, and sherbet brands don't exactly focus on such matters. So at a recent trip to Whole Foods, I was pleased to notice Gaga. I was a little confused, since it referred to itself as "Sherbetter," and seemed to imply it was some sort of cross between Sherbet and Ice Cream. But, since it was being sold at Whole Foods, I chose to consider that a good sign (it's not like Whole Foods would be selling the mass produced sherbet items from the local grocery store, which tend to taste like chemical enhancements and artificial flavors that resemble anything but fruit).

There was a few flavor options, but I opted for the Rainbow (Orange, Raspberry and Lemon). It was priced at $4.99, which is pretty standard for pint sized frozen treats at Whole Foods (on the lower end, actually). As soon as I opened the pint, I noticed the pale (natural) looking colors swirled together, which I found reassuring. The taste was obviously the more refined version of sherbet  and you could really taste the citrus zests in the citrus flavors, as well as the fresh raspberry puree.

But sadly, it definitely didn't remind me of sherbet. It was definitely milkier than sorbet, but the consistency was more akin to frozen sorbet than it was anything else. It definitely was not smooth and creamy like sherbet, or ice cream for that matter. I wouldn't buy this item again, although the taste was pleasant, I'd prefer fresh sorbet personally. But this would be worth a try for those that want some sort of healthified sherbet replacement in their diet, or for kids.

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