Thursday, December 6, 2012

Jeni's Ice Cream - Roasted Strawberry Buttermilk

I first discovered Jeni's Ice Cream about three years ago, a few months after reading a review of their ice cream shop online. Shortly after reading the review, I heard a few other references to Jeni's, and I decided to give in and order some of their ice creams online to try (Jeni's is located in Ohio, and I am regretfully located nowhere near there).

I've always loved ice cream, but standard flavors just don't do it for me anymore, and it's hard to find more unique offerings in the area that I live in. So, after falling in love with Jeni's unique twists on more basic flavors, I began to regularly place an order through their website once every year.

But, considering how often Jeni's offers seasonal and limited edition selections, once a year just did not seem to be enough. And as fantastic as their ice cream is, paying $12 to $14 for a pint adds up, especially when you have to buy several at once for delivery, and need to add shipping and handling charges on top of that.

So when I discovered that Whole Foods now carries some of Jeni's ice creams, I was beyond thrilled. Not only could I buy their standard flavors when a craving hit, I could buy their seasonal selections when I found something interesting, without having to buy several other pints just to have it delivered.

On a recent trip to Whole Foods, I noticed Jeni's new Roasted Strawberry Buttermilk flavor. It was clearly Jeni's way of adding a unique twist to the classic Strawberry ice cream, and I knew I had to try it. And boy was I glad that I did. Not only does the buttermilk add a lovely tang to the taste, it also adds a unique creaminess. And as for the strawberries, I now fully understand why people claim that roasting strawberries helps to bring out their flavor. I've never had strawberry ice cream with such an honest and intense strawberry flavor, which complements the buttermilk perfectly. I definitely suggest that anyone that loves strawberry ice cream gives this Jeni's flavor a try. (I also suggest that brownie lovers add a scoop to their next fresh from the oven brownie. You can thank me later!)

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