Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ski Queen Gjetost Cheeese

Whenever I go to Whole Foods, I like to try a new variety of cheese. On a recent excursion to the cheese section, I noticed this red block of cheese, and was immediately intrigued. It was priced at $4.99, and I'd never heard of Gjetost cheese before, but since I tend to love Goat Milk cheese of every variety, I wasn't too concerned.

After arriving home, I quickly looked online to find out about Gjetost, and to see what suggestions I could find for using it. Wikipedia says that Gjetost (more commonly known as Brunost) is a caramelized Scandinavian whey cheese, made from a mixture of both goat and cow's milk.

Wikipedia also stated that Gjetost is traditionally used at breakfast, and is most commonly toasted on bread. When looking at the cheese, I noticed it actually looks a lot more like caramel, and nothing at all like cheese. After adding some slices to bread, I toasted it until it bubbled slightly. The cheese has a taste that really can not be compared to any other cheese. It does in fact taste like a combination of (both cow and goat) dairy cream and caramel, and was delicious over a slice of cinnamon swirl bread. It also tasted fantastic over white bread with cinnamon and sugar, or cinnamon and honey. I could also see this working well in many desserts, and can't wait to try some melted over a slice of pear pie. The only concern I have is the size, Whole Foods does not offer a variety of sizes and considering how little you need of this cheese, those with a small or single household would most likely struggle to use this entire block of cheese.

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