Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Liberte Meditterranee Yogurt - Coconut

At a recent trip to Whole Foods, I noticed the line of Liberte yogurt. I enjoy trying new yogurts (of high quality), and tend to try one new brand each time I go to Whole Foods. As a fan of coconut, I decided it was a safe choice to try, before sampling anything more exotic.

The Liberte line offered a full fat line, and a low fat line, so I decided to try the full fat version first. The yogurt is not quite as thick as Greek yogurt, but has a rich creaminess that is unlike American yogurts. The full fat line uses whole milk, but heavy cream is also added, which brings the fat up from 5% milkfat (for standard whole milk yogurts) to 8%. This brings the calories up to to 240 for a 6 ounce container of yogurt, and 22% fat.

The yogurt was beyond anything I could have imagined. It was almost as though whole milk yogurt, cream of coconut, and whipping cream, were all blended together until the mixture had the perfect consistency. The yogurt had a great coconut taste, and the richness of the cream made it seem like an extremely indulgent dessert, even though it still falls under the category of being "healthy."

Halfway through the yogurt, I decided to save the rest for later. This plan didn't quite work out though, since my dog eagerly snuck over and inhaled the rest of the yogurt, when I wasn't looking. I will DEFINITELY be trying the rest of the Liberte line in the future (and buying more coconut for both me and the dog) and will also be sure to see how the low fat version compares. 

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